WelcomeExperience Lula Lake like never before! We're now offering private and group guided hikes. Click here for more details.
Lula Lake Land Trust (LLLT) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization established by the will of Robert M. Davenport in January of 1994. Dedicated to the preservation of lands located within the Rock Creek watershed on Lookout Mountain, the mission of LLLT is to preserve the natural and historic landscapes surrounding Rock Creek and its tributaries through conservation, education, and low-impact recreation. |
Explore Our Trails:
Current Projects:
We're treating our Hemlock forests from woolly adelgid infestation, a pesky insect threatening the extinction of Hemlock trees. We're in the process of treating our forests now. For just $10, you can save a tree and help Lula Lake treat (1) Hemlock tree. [Click here to find out more.]
More about Lula Lake Land Trust's Mission

Since 1994, LLLT has helped to conserve 12,000 acres on while owning over 3,500 acres across Lookout Mountain, GA. Conserved land provides for the health and wellness of our environment and, ultimately, for the health and wellness of people too. The Core Preserve, established in 1994, contains 850 aces of conserved land... [CLICK TO READ MORE ABOUT LULA LAKE'S CONSERVATION EFFORTS]

Since LLLT started engaging students in 2015, over 10,000 students and community groups have visited the Core Preserve to learn about conservation, phenology (changes of the seasons), water quality derived by macroinvertebrates presence, environmental changes (pollution, erosion, and restoration), and how to identify flora and fauna centralized to the community area... [CLICK TO READ MORE ABOUT LULA LAKE'S EDUCATION INITIATIVES]

Between 2007 - 2019, LLLT built 60 miles of recreational trails for hiking, mountain biking, and trail running. The Core Preserve has 13 trails totaling 8+ miles, but LLLT provides more adventures with additional trail systems. The Moonshine Trails consist of 8 miles of adventure, and the 14-mile Cloudland Connector Trail is straightforward and ideal for both beginners as well as runners, hikers, and mountain bikers... [CLICK TO READ MORE ABOUT LULA LAKE'S RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES]
Take a tour of the Lula Lake Core Preserve